The Confronting Christianity Podcast with Rebecca McLaughlin

Crossfit and Christianity with Irwyn Ince

Episode Summary

Rebecca McLaughlin is joined by Irwyn Ince to have a conversation about CrossFit, Jesus, and where his hope is found.

Episode Notes

Rebecca McLaughlin is joined by Irwyn Ince to have a conversation about CrossFit, Jesus, and where his hope is found. 

Questions Covered in This Episode:

Guest Bio:

Irwyn Ince is a pastor at Grace DC Presbyterian Church, director of the Grace DC Institute for Cross Cultural Mission, and a Board member of The Gospel Coalition. He has contributed to the books Heal Us, Emmanuel and All Are Welcome: Toward a Multi-Everything Church and authored The Beautiful Community: Unity, Diversity, and the Church at Its Best. He and his wife, Kim, have four children.

In addition to his passion for his family and for ministry, Dr. Ince is gleefully committed to coffee and CrossFit. When he’s not spending time with his family or preaching and teaching in the church, you can find him coaching classes at a local CrossFit gym in DC.

Resources Mentioned: