The Confronting Christianity Podcast with Rebecca McLaughlin

Can Science Dictate Our Identity? with Praveen Sethupathy

Episode Summary

Kyle Worley and Rebecca McLaughlin are joined by Praveen Sethupathy to talk about what science is and if it can dictate our identity.

Episode Notes

Kyle Worley and Rebecca McLaughlin are joined by Praveen Sethupathy to talk about what science is and if it can dictate our identity.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

Guest Bio:

Dr. Praveen Setupathy is Professor of Physiological Genomics in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Director of the Center for Vertebrate Genomics at Cornell University, where he leads a research lab focused on genomic approaches to understand physiology and human disease. He received his BA degree from Cornell University and his PhD in Genomics from the University of Pennsylvania.

Helpful Definitions:

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