The Confronting Christianity Podcast with Rebecca McLaughlin

Can A Scientist Believe In The Resurrection? With Ian Hutchinson

Episode Summary

Rebecca McLaughlin is joined by Ian Hutchinson to discuss the relationship between science and the Christian faith.

Episode Notes

Rebecca McLaughlin is joined by Ian Hutchinson to discuss the relationship between science and the Christian faith.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

Guest Bio:

Ian H. Hutchinson is Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His primary research interest is plasma physics, especially the magnetic confinement of plasmas (ionized gases): seeking to enable fusion reactions, the energy source of the stars, to be used for practical energy production. Hutchinson received his B.A. in physics and M.A. from Cambridge University. He then received his Ph.D in engineering physics from Australian National University, where he was a Commonwealth Scholar. 

In addition to 250 journal articles on a variety of plasma phenomena, Dr. Hutchinson is widely known for his standard textbook on measuring plasmas: Principles of Plasma Diagnostics, and A Student's Guide to Numerical Methods. He has written and lectured extensively on the relationship between science and the Christian faith, and authored the books Monopolizing Knowledge and Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles?

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